Selasa, 13 Agustus 2013

Facts about coffee myths

coffee myth comes from ancient times. popularity of coffee is to make sure people are not the same variety of subject about how they had changed our health. many things about coffee that is true, anything else is just a myth that has been maintained throughout the years. 

coffee is often blamed because its main content, namely caffeine. caffeine is a natural substance found in the leaves, seeds or fruits, in over 60 plants growing. the countless coffee, cocoa beans, cola nuts and tea leaves used to make a lot of easy favorite beverage or beverages such as coffee, tea, cola drinks and various foods, such as chocolate.
some of the facts about coffee and caffeine :

coffee consumed each day by 80% -90% of the adult population. for millions of people, coffee is a real thrill.
coffee is something pleasure in everyday life.
there is some confusion concerning the character-trait perception of coffee and its effects on our health.
people like drinks that contain caffeine since ancient times.
coffee started to be used in africa more or less th. 575 ad, in which the coffee beans used as money all consumed as food.
caffeine, the main content of coffee, found in over 60 plants increasingly unequal.
caffeine can also be produced with synthetic as well as used as additional ingredients in the food, beverage and drinks easily.
caffeine is also used in medicine ( generally can be purchased using a prescription ).
products that contain caffeine
only coffee that contains caffeine ? does not. caffeine is also found in other plant-based products such as tea. besides that, there is a tendency to give a kind of caffeine in cola drinks easily.
here is the caffeine content in various types of beverages :
- filtered coffee : 90 mg
- instant coffee : 63 mg
- purification mangalami coffee caffeine : ( still has a content ) 3 mg
- tea : 42 mg
- iced tea : 70 mg
- chocolate milk : 5 mg
- easy to drink cola : 16 mg
- milk chocolate : 6 mg
- dark chocolate 1/2 sweet : 20 mg
- chocolate syrup : 4 mg

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